Sunday, November 29, 2015

December calendar is COMING !

Thank you for your patience with me.   The power cord of my seasoned laptop does not always work and as a result my posting has been less frequent and perhaps less interesting.   I am halfway to finding a solution : ) 

Thank you for coming!


Hello there students and parents of Maternelle,   

A BIG THANK YOU to you all for:

-Coming to Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences the other day.   Everyone came! While at conferences THANK YOU for being really focused on your child.   They really appreciated that.   (I appreciated it too because they were my first kindergarten Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences ever and I was more nervous than I have been in years : ).

-THANK YOU also for bringing alphabet plates and alphabet sound books and other supplies to share : )

-While I am thanking you for conferences, a bigger THANK YOU for sending your child to school (with complete lunches and snacks and layers and layers of clothing) and on the right days!!!

What I noticed at conferences is your children act a bit differently when they are with the ones they are most attached to...their parents.   Some students were shy when I didn't know they could be, more than a few were speechless, some giggly, many blushing as they shared their classroom explorations with you.   My observations the students with you, their parents, affirmed for me the value of providing a space that children can explore on their own, like little bird's first trips away from the nest.   It takes courage both to leave and to watch them leave. 
THANK YOU for sharing your little birds with me/us.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Inside and Out

Lots of fresh new energy moving around the classroom yesterday and flurrying around outside too.   We look forward to seeing you at Student-Parent-Teacher Interviews coming up November 26th (evening) and 27th (morning) and showing you what we made next...

Friday, November 6, 2015

This afternoon, we had GOÛTER ENSEMBLE featuring pear people.   The students really enjoyed putting them together and eating them.   Thank you to Stephanie for this creative and delicious snack.