Friday, October 16, 2015

Paper plates and numeracy…

Hello parents and students, on Thursday we each made our own set of plates number 1-8:


These sets of plates will be traveling back and forth to school in the next weeks and will eventually be evolving to represent higher numbers.   One of the LEARNING OBJECTIVES for Maternelle is counting 1-30 in FRENCH.   As a first step, your child can put the plates in order.   Ideally since they are in school to learn French, if they are saying the numbers out loud, encourage them to say them in French as well as English if they start in English.  
If want to help your child but are concerned about your French pronunciation, just try anyway and your child, being the brilliant young language-learner that they are will correct your accent if it doesn't sound right.   If you really aspire for them to learn to speak French, attempting a few words yourself is ABSOLUTELY THE BEST THINGS you can do towards that goal.   And being corrected by your child is evidence of their learning and prepares us adults for things to come….: )   I am a parent too : } 

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