Friday, October 16, 2015

Supplies needed...

If you have these items and do not have a use for them.   Please send them in your child's backpack in a plastic bag.   We'll know it's a "supply" if it's in a plastic bag.    THANK YOU !

1.  Embroiderly hoops (JUST THE HOOP).   If you have one and are okay with your child using it, LABEL (with tape ?) with your CHILD'S NAME  and send it, if you have extras that you want back, just label them all your child's name or if you don't want them back, just send them unlabelled.  

3. coloured balls (big or small) of yarn or wool

2. dinky cars: the ones that have a long hood or at least some 1"x1" surface area.   (Please do not send them if you want them back : )  

3. empty toilet paper rolls  (ALWAYS USEFUL HERE)

4. cereal boxes (ALWAYS USEFUL HERE)- Please just send boxes that aren't specifically geared to kids so we don't get distracted.   We are using these for an alphabet game.   

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